Buy 3 Get 1 Free! Sante Pure Barley Canister (110gm in Canister)
110 Grams (Barley Grass Powder)
Santé Pure Barley in Canister is pure organic young barley grass powder, blended with one of nature’s most potent sweeteners, stevia. No additives, preservatives or coloring has been added. Santé Pure Barley contains vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, and carotenoids. Its rich, thick green color is purely natural. You get all the goodness that this multi-nutrient, chlorophyll-rich food has to offer.
Frequently Bought Together
Santé Pure Barley from New Zealand is now available in Canisters
Barley grass has long been considered an important ‘functional food’ that promotes health and supports disease prevention. For many years it has been a foundation part of the health and wellness industry and is widely used by health-conscious consumers around the world. This ‘superfood’ contains high levels of chlorophyll and is rich in vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. It is a powerhouse of nutrients.
The popularity of barley grass continues to grow as more and more consumers, worldwide, discover its benefits. At Santé New Zealand Limited, we recognize the powerful properties of barley grass and, its health benefits. This has led us to develop a comprehensive selection of everyday barley-based products.

Certified 100% Organic young Barley grass sealed with freshness
More than simply growing the barley grass we grow it under a certified organic system. This is an independently audited system that ensures the barley grass is grown according to organic principles. The farms on which we grow the product are all certified organic and have been so for many years. This means our barley grass is grown without chemical pesticides or artificial fertilizers. Additionally, our region is considered one of the cleanest and least polluted regions of the globe.
We grow our crops in a method called ‘broadacre’. This means the crops are grown in large paddocks (i.e. fields) often 10ha or more. In this method the barley grass receives natural sunlight, airflow and rain as the main water source. The soils these certified organic barley grass crops grow in are in a ‘rotation’ of animal grazing and cropping. This naturally balances inputs of nutrients (i.e. from the grazing animal’s manure and from legume plants) with the extraction of nutrients from cropping. Typically, the farm rotation may involve 3 years of animal grazing (sheep or cattle) and 3 years of growing a variety of crops including barley grass.
High in dietary fiber, Gluten-free, Rich in green nutrients. This is recommended for diabetics, athletes, the whole family and even kids.
- Counters the degenerative effects of aging
- Lowers bad cholesterol levels and blood
- Reduced risk of heart disease
- Protects against cancer-causing elements
- Strengthens immune system
- Free radicals detoxification
- Eliminates harmful body toxins
- Helps lower cholesterol levels
- Controls blood sugar levels
- Protects against Diabetes
- Helps manage chronic disease symptoms
- Reduces heart disease risk
- Relieves migraines
- Helps prevent colon cancer
- Helps prevent blood clots
- Treats gastrointestinal issues
- Boosts red blood cell levels
- Improves digestive health
- Improves bone health
- Improves skin health
- Alkalises the body
- Boosts immunity
- Reduces signs of aging
- Promotes weight loss
How To Use
How To Use
- Drink Organic Barley Grass Powder daily before meals:
- 2-3 spoon fulls 2x a day in 250ml of cold water – Trying to be healthier & have more energy.
- 2-3 spoon fulls 3x a day in 250ml of cold water – Trying to overcome a degenerative disease.
- Always start with just 1 sachet per day and increase slowly.
- Barley Grass is best taken on an empty stomach:
- Its best not to combine barley juice with other food or drink.
- If you absolutely need a chaser, try water or a sip of apple juice.
- Spread your sachet intake out over the day (ex. 1 hour before meals)
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